The Village of Zakros

Ziros – Handras Plateau
Januar 23, 2023
Sitia Town, Crete
The town of Sitia
Januar 23, 2023

The Village of Zakros

The Village of Zakros, East Crete

The village of Zakros 38 km southeast of Sitia,is the nearest permanent settlement to the Minoan site of Zakros a further 7 km away.

The population (800 people) are fully involved in agriculture expecially in olive oil production. In the area is produced the best olive oil in the whole Crete.

On the top of the village there are water sources which in the past gave the power to function numerous watermills.

The way of living is untouched from the touristic development The most of the people are farmers by olives trees. The way of eating is very pure.

They used to eat wild vegetables they collect from the hills,snails etc. Of course they make by themselves the traditional bread (ntakos) in the stonedovens. They produce also fine honey from thymus and the finnest olive oil in the world.